The true winter color palette has both cool and bright characteristics. It mostly consists of colors that are cool and highly contrasting at the same time. The winter color palette falls at the extremes of both bright and dark. It is one of the original colors in the four seasons color spectrum. The variations that it sits in between are bright winter and dark winter. The palette that is considered the exact opposite of true winter is true summer. Let us go into a bit more detail and further break down the overall substance of winter color palette.
Characteristics Of True Winter Color Palette
Before we start getting deep into the characteristics that make up a true winter palette, readers should always remember that if one or more aspects of yours deviate from the below characteristics you may still be considered a true winter even then. It is quite common to deviate from one or two aspects of a palette so it is more important to rather notice the pattern you match considerably well rather than going for a precision match.
If you are a true winter, the primary color theme of your entire appearance would be cool and the second aspect will be bright. The first and foremost aspect that should catch your notice in front of the mirror is the coolness that seems frosty. You will lack any warm influence in your overall appearance and you will be covered with blue undertones on your hair, eyes and skin. On top of that, your features will have a distinct appearance and will pop clearly. There is no such softness and smoothness to your tone and your features will possess a stark contrast with one another.

Features In A Winter Color Palette
The general tone of the eyes of a true winter is coolness. Like most of your features, your eyes will also have a blue undertone. The colour of eyes in a true winter can have quite a range. Blue, hazel, brown and black are common in the winter palette. The borders define the eye line quite distinctly in true winters.
The skin of true winters has a cool aspect and blue undertones. White silver is the colour for true winters and gold is a colour that should be actively avoided by them. Regardless of what your skin colour is, the most distinguishing factor of a true winter is that their eyes, hair and skin will always project a glaring contrast. The transitions from a feature to another are not subtle at all.
The hair in a true winter is dark and ranges from being ash brown to black with the darkness being a constant theme. The highlights in true winter hair are non-existent and the hair is generally ashy or neutral in texture.
As we have already mentioned a number of times. Contrast is highly prevalent all over the true winter appearance. One can also notice a contrast between the whites of the eye and the iris. The skin on a true winter may be a little dark sometimes but nevertheless, the contrast is still apparent there as well.
Winter Color Palette In Comparison To True Summer
The primary aspect of both true winter color palette and true summer color palette is quite similar. However, they differ in the second aspect with true winter color palette’s secondary aspect being bright and true summer’s secondary being muted. Another difference between them is that true summer does not possess the level of contrast portrayed in true winter. Grey pigments are dominant all across the appearance of a true summer which adds to its muteness. True winter on the other hand is either extremely dark or extremely bright. The colours that are generally associated with true winter are blue, dark grey and black-blue. True winter appearance is thus much crisper than true summer.
Styling For Winter Color Palette
True winter tends to gravitate towards an appearance that is highly contrasted. This makes them go for colours that fall at the extremes of both dark and bright spectrums. This means that the true winter palette can easily accommodate colors like white and black. These two colors form the most striking combination for true winters as it emphasizes the contrast among their features.
Colors to Avoid With Winter Color Palette
The colors you choose for yourself should be guided by the overall theme of your appearance. In the case of true winters, we have already discussed that it is characterized by a high level of contrast and on top of that they associate it with colors that can enhance that contrast with extremely bright or extremely dark combos. Therefore, the worst colors that you can go for as a true winter are the ones that are muted and warm. That means you should avoid colors like golden brown, rusty orange and other such colours that will end up clashing with your naturally cool tone.

Color Combinations Best Suited For Winter Color Palettes
All colors in a winter palette can be combined with each other. However, you will find that some combinations will appear more pleasing than others. These are the colours that bring out the contrast that is characteristic of true winter. The best and the most classic combo for true winter are black and white. It is the only combo that can portray the highest level of contrast. Other seasons cannot pull off this combo anyway near to the way true winters pull it off.
True winters can look pretty decent in all light or all dark combos but contrast should always be preferred by true winters. If you go for patterns and print then always make sure that you are going for patterns that comply with the true color palette. Anything that deviates from that will not do anything to enhance your appearance.
We have provided a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the true winter palette to help you determine the key characteristics of the true winter palette and figure out what goes best with it. This is all the information you need to know about your color palette if you indeed are a true winter. Make a point of the color suggestions we have made and you will be on your way to making the best out of your appearance.