Tamarind is an indigenous edible fruit, which contains a pulp inside which is used in cuisine in many ways. Tamarind pulp can be eaten alone and it is most often mixed with sugar and/or diluted to mellow the strong flavour. Tamarind makes a great base for chutneys, sauces, marinades and stew. Across the Middle East from Levant to Iran, Tamarind has been used to savoury dishes.

- Tamarind has its origin in native tropical Africa, its botanical name is Indica.
- The tamarind tree is a slow-growing, enormous one, which bears pod-like fruit. These pod-like fruits are highly acidic and have tangy flesh
- It is extensively used in Indian and African cuisine preparations
- Tamarind has many medicinal and culinary uses and has effective results in curing stomach discomfort, fever, bad throat, sunstroke and aiding digestion.
- The pulp of the Tamarind has the ability to stop the growth of cancerous cells developing in our body and prevents the growth of harmful free radicals.
- Tamarind’s extracts have been used in ancient medication for snake bites, malaria, jaundice, diabetes, constipation, and several other chronic conditions.
- It has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties
- It’s leaves, fruit, seeds, bark, stems, branches, and flowers have high therapeutic value. The anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, catechins present in Tamarind makes it highly rich.
Many people are not aware of the usage of Tamarind for hair.
- Tamarind is full of minerals and vitamins which are essential for hair growth
- It has vital minerals including vitamin B, vitamin C, phosphorus, amino acids, magnesium as well that is why it is used for many health benefits.
- It has all the properties of making hair stronger and preventing hair fall.
Tamarind is best known for strengthening hair.
An oily scalp can cause a number of other hair problems – one of them is dandruff.
By controlling the production of sebum in the scalp, one can lead to flawless flaunt worthy hair.
- Makes hair stronger
- Makes hair look shinier
- Makes hair look dandruff free
- In short, all the benefits to have a perfect luscious hair.
Instead of going to parlor or salon for hair spa and spending a lot of money on harmful chemicals, you can consider using Tamarind at home. After all, these are not natural treatments, it contains chemicals even if it has been applied a bit of it.
The natural remedies never go in vain, it doesn’t harm the natural tendencies of the body, it always renders some kind of benefits for the body, though it is a slow process, it is a best, safe and permanent solution.

How to use:
- Extract the tamarind juice soaking into the water and straining it.
- Apply the liquid on your scalp
- After 20 minutes, wash your scalp or hair with shampoo thoroughly to remove its stickiness
- You can also wrap a hot towel on the head after massaging and applying the tamarind juice and after 15 minutes rinse it off.
Apply it twice a week for a month and experience the best results.
Another way..
How to use:
- 2 tablespoon of tamarind pulp
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
- 1 tablespoon of buttermilk
- Mix all the ingredients well, forming a smooth paste
- Apply it on the hair
- Gently massage for 5 minutes
- Let it stays on the Hair for 15 minutes
- Wash it off with the mild shampoo with warm water.
Apply this once a week to get rid of the oily scalp.

By going out in pollution and under the scorching heat of the sun, it is natural for hair to get weak. To provide natural strength has become a challenge for many people.
Tamarind is one such thing which can provide the best natural strength to our hair which is lurking for it.
Tamarind is used for hair growth as well, due to its properties of providing the right nutrients to the roots of the hair, by simply soaking the tamarind in water and washing your hair through using the tamarind water, gives the fastest results of hair growth.
Strong healthy luscious hair is the dream of women of all ages. Hair marks a strong personality for women. And women can do anything to have that perfect looking hair.
Women who are trying to make their Hair shine the best, can trust Tamarind for their regular use.